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Beware of Microsleep! Tips for Driving Safely on Toll Roads

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Most people prefer to drive on toll roads when they have a long trip such as on vacation or annual homecoming since it will be more time-efficient.  However, at a particular moment, such as the annual homecoming, the traffic frequency is likely soaring higher than normal and causing a very bad traffic jam. Therefore, many drivers face exhaustion since they need to drive the car way longer than the normal driving time.  

You need to be aware of your exhaustion limit when driving since it can lead you to experience microsleep — a very short period of sleep that can be measured in seconds (15 seconds or less) — which can result in a fatal accident. 

Microsleep Symptoms while Driving 

Sometimes, the drivers are not aware that they are experiencing microsleep since it happens suddenly and without intention. A person who is experiencing microsleep may nod off or keep their eyes open and continue to look awake. In this state, one’s brain is no longer capable of processing external information normally. Thus, microsleep is said as a deadly episode for drivers and other people nearby.

Further, there are some obvious symptoms of microsleep while driving, namely:

  • Continuous yawn

  • Heavy eyelid

  • Frequent blinking

  • Head nodding

  • Hypnic muscle movement

  • Difficulty in understanding information

  • Driving off track

  • Losing consciousness, so you are not realizing what just happened

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is highly suggested to take a break in the nearest rest area or pull over your car to the safest space.

The Causes of Microsleep

There are several causes of microsleep while driving such as:

  • Exhaustion

  • Sleep deprivation

  • Medication 

  • Bored (since toll roads used to be straight and smooth)

  • Hypertension

  • Diabetes 

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Ways to Prevent Microsleep on Toll Roads

How to prevent microsleep while driving on toll roads? Here are the answers:

  • Frequently pull over the car and do some stretching movements.

  • Frequently stop at the rest area and take a short nap, 20-30 minutes. 

  • Avoid solo driving if you are likely a microsleep person. Take company so that you have someone to have conversations with and watch over your condition. 

  • Hindari berkendara sendirian jika Anda cenderung lebih sering mengalami microsleep. Anda bisa ajak orang lain untuk teman bicara selama di perjalanan.

  • Get some caffeine intake such as coffee or tea 30 minutes before driving. 

  • Make sure you have a good sleep, at least for 7 hours, if you have to drive in the next morning. 

Tips for Driving Safely on Toll Roads

As we have mentioned before, straight and smooth toll roads are one of the causes of microsleep. Therefore, we present you tips for driving safely on toll roads as the following:

1. Obey the speed limit on the toll roads

Do you know that in Indonesia there is a speed limit regulation that you must obey while driving on toll roads?

This regulation is based on Government Regulation Number 79 of 2013 concerning the Road Traffic and Transportation Network (LLAJ) Article 23 Paragraph 4.  This regulation is made so that the drivers stay focused while driving and do not get into accidents because of over-slowing or overspeeding. Thus, the government set the minimum speed on the toll road at 60 km/hour and the maximum speed at 120 km/hour. 

And to make this regulation effective, the government has installed speed cameras on some points of Jakarta’s toll roads to enforce the electronic fine policy.  Further, it is not only toll roads but there are also speed limit regulations for driving on residential streets, city roads and intercity roads. For the residential streets, you must drive at a maximum of 30 km/hour. Then, for city roads, the maximum speed is at 50 km/ hour. Meanwhile, for intercity roads, the maximum speed is at 80 km/hour.  

Drivers who violate the speed limit regulations will be sentenced to jail or pay a fine with the maximum amount of IDR 500,000.00. This regulation is based on Article 287 of Law Number 22 Year 2009.

In short, by obeying the regulation stated above, you are not only avoiding traffic violations fine but also minimizing the risk of car accidents.

2. Check on Your Vehicle Condition 

Before going on a long trip, you have to check on your vehicle's condition. Check on the engine, tire, oil, and other parts of the car so that your trip is safer and more enjoyable. 

If you don’t know how to check your vehicle’s health by yourself, you can just bring your car to a repair shop to be checked and repaired professionally. 

3. Mind your health

You need a lot of energy to stay focused while driving. Thus, you have to mind your health by taking a good rest, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating nutritious meals. Moreover, before having a long drive. 

4. Mind your car load capacity

We know you love all people and want to spend the trip with them. However, overcapacity is just a big no. You need to be wise about who you want to take and how much luggage they bring into your car. 

That is because every car producer has recommended maximum load capacity for the car. Thus, you cannot bring in passengers and luggage over the maximum car capacity. 

Overloading will just bring catastrophic consequences to your cars such as poor suspension, worn brakes, fuel inefficiency, worn tires and tire blowouts. 

5. Beware of  aquaplaning

Aquaplaning is a condition where a car loses its grip because of sudden showers and rainwater puddles on the roads. It makes the driver effectively loses control of the vehicle and unable to brake, steer, or accelerate. 

Therefore, it is important to use tires that have a tread pattern, with a minimum depth of 1.6 mm, so that they can expel water. If the water is expelled well, the grip and traction will be stronger. 

Then most importantly, you have to reduce your speed when it is showering on toll roads. If the rain pours so hard, and it is too difficult for you to drive, pull off your car to the nearest rest area. 

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6. Knowing the toll road routes

You are so lucky to live in a world full of digital technologies such as digital online maps. However, it is still important for you to learn about the routes and toll gates before stepping on the gas. 

By learning the routes you will drive more safely since you can predict where you can have a rest, where you need to be extra careful, where is the nearest emergency room, etc. You can also drive more effectively and fuel economy since you know for sure which routes and gates to pass.

7. Keep a safe distance

The next important thing to keep in mind when driving on toll roads is to keep a safe distance from other vehicles.  You may have witnessed a car that is too close to the car in front of it, or to your car. Whether it is at high speed or not, that is dangerous driving behavior since each car has different braking efficiency. 

Meanwhile, such tailgating movement will not allow the driver to have sufficient room to anticipate sudden movement. Thus, you need to avoid this tailgating behavior and get away from the tailgaters. Let the tailgaters pass you. 

Then, follow the three-second gap to have a safe driving distance. This three-second gap will give you enough “room” to do the reaction and respond when the car in front of you suddenly stops.  A driver that is in a fit condition needs about 1.5 seconds to react to a hazard. Then, a fit driver will need at least 1.5 seconds to respond, for instance, to brake or to turn the steering wheel. 

8. Reduce the speed

When you are driving on wide and empty toll roads, you will likely speed over. Yet that driving behavior is very risky and can lead to a fatal car accident.

Follow the recommended speed regulation that we have discussed in the previous chapter, a minimum of 60 km/hour and a maximum of 120 km/hour. Adjust the speed according to the weather and road conditions. 

9. Avoid sudden brake

You should avoid sudden braking since it results in a deadly accident. The cars behind you will likely crash into your car or any other objects nearby. Moreover, when there is aquaplaning condition. It will be harder for you and the other drivers to handle the car. 

11. Do not change the road lane recklessly 

If it was not because of an emergency, never suddenly change the road line. If you suddenly change your lane, it will be difficult for you to handle the steer. 

So does with the other cars. They will be surprised by your driving behavior and will likely lose control, take a sudden brake, crash into your car, or experience other car accidents.  So, remember to always turn on the turn signal light for a while and pay attention to the car behind you before changing lanes

11. Frequently take a rest

After driving for three hours, most people will start to lose their concentration and reflect. In this condition, most drivers will have difficulty taking reasonable action to prevent car accidents.  Therefore, you should pull over to the nearest rest area if you have driven the car for three hours. If you are traveling with family or friends, asked them to take a driving turn.  

12. Memorize the emergency number

You never know what will happen on your exciting trip, hence, you have to know the emergency number in case something went wrong and you need help. Memorize it or get it ready on your smartphone contact number list. 

Way to Drive Safely on the Night 

Nighttime is people’s favorite time to drive since the roads tend to be empty. However, there are some disadvantages of driving at nighttime such as lack of security, limited road visibility, and sleepiness. 

Therefore, when you are going to drive at nighttime there are some tips you can take into account: 

  • Raise the air conditioner temperature. When the temperature is too low, it can make the body feel stiff and sick, and also have poor blood circulation. 

  • It is not like driving on a bright afternoon when you can see the roads clearly. Your visibility is just around 100-150 meters so you need to be extra careful with your surrounding. 

  • If your vehicle has a dimmer switch feature, dim your dashboard and sign lights. This kind of trick will remove the reflection of light on the car glass. Your eyes will be thankful cause it can make them see more clearly in the dark. 

Those are the information of tips for driving safely on toll roads. To make your trip safer and to avoid exhaustion, you can drive alternately with your friends or family members. You can also hire a driver if you are going to have a long trip.

The car rental service has chauffeurs ready to take you to your destination. By using the chauffeur service your trip will be easier and more enjoyable because you do not need to divide your focus. The professional driver provided by the car rental service knows the best routes for your trip. 

One of the best car rental services that provide the best vehicles and drivers to be hired is MPM Rent. For the vehicle, it has several choices namely passenger car, luxury car, logistic vehicle, and heavy-duty. For more information about MPM Rent visit

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