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Whistleblowing System

PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Rent (MPMRent) and Group as a part of PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk (MPM Group) is committed to receiving complaints or reports of violations or suspected violations through its Whistleblowing System “MPM SpeakUp”. This system is managed independently by a third party selected by the Company, hereinafter referred to as the 'Consultant'. MPM SpeakUp offers you the opportunity to report suspected fraud, legal violations, code of ethics breaches, or conflicts of interest involving internal MPM Group parties.

All MPM Group personnel or other parties are required to report any known violations or suspected violations using the designated tool. Reports must be made in good faith, with fairness, honesty, and respect. The reporter should be able to explain what happened (what), the parties involved (who), the time of the incident (when), the location of the incident (where), and how it happened (how) through the following reporting facilities:

  • MPM SpeakUp Website (English & Bahasa Indonesia):
  • Call and WhatsApp:
    • 0812 5000 1880wbs-qrcode
    • 0819 3184 1174
  • Email:

This Whistleblowing System is guided by principles of no retaliation, confidentiality, and anonymity. Upon receiving a report, the Consultant will confirm receipt and conduct an initial assessment before submitting the report to an appointed official within the Company. These officials are responsible for addressing and following up on the issues reported. The Company is committed to taking firm action against any violations, ensuring that sanctions are imposed on any MPM Group personnel found to have committed a violation, as part of upholding the Company’s values.


PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Rent

Sunburst CBD Lot II No. 10

Jl. Kapten Soebijanto Djojohadikusumo

BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia

Telp: +62 21 5315 7668

Fax: +62 21 5315 7669

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Directorate General of Consumer

Protection and Orderly Commerce

Trade Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia

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