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How to Use Your Car’s Hazard Lights Properly

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Have you ever wondered about the red triangle button often found near the steering wheel in cars? That symbol represents the hazard lights, a feature seldom used in everyday driving.


At first glance, this button may seem useless. However, it serves a crucial function: activating blinking hazard lights, both left and right, to assist in emergencies.


Unfortunately, many drivers misuse hazard lights, leading to confusion among other drivers and disrupting traffic flow.


Function of Hazard Lights


Hazard lights wouldn't exist if they didn't serve a purpose while driving. Let's explore their functions:


1. Emergency Situations


The primary purpose is to signal to other drivers that your vehicle is experiencing issues.


This signal is mandated in Road Traffic Law Article 121, paragraph 1, requiring drivers to display safety triangles, signal lights, or other emergency indicators when stopping on the road.


2. Warning Signal


Hazard lights also serve as a warning to other drivers about potential safety issues with your vehicle, helping to minimize accidents.


Misuse of Hazard Lights


The correct usage of hazard lights is clearly stated in the Road Traffic Law. However, unfortunately, not all drivers bother to read driving regulations, leading them to misuse emergency signals at the wrong times, such as:


1. During Heavy Rain


Some drivers often turn on hazard lights as a warning signal. However, this action is not recommended as it can confuse other drivers behind you.


The actual function of turn signals is to indicate direction. If you activate this signal, other road users will be confused about which direction you intend to go.


2. At Intersections


Misuse of hazard lights is often found at intersections. Perhaps the intention of activating these lights is to inform other road users on the right or opposite side that they intend to proceed straight.


However, this signal will only cause confusion for drivers on the vehicle's side who may think you want to turn towards the flashing lights.


3. During Fog


When driving through foggy areas, visibility becomes limited. Instead of turning on hazard lights, it's better to turn on fog lights, specifically designed for foggy weather conditions.


Also read: Often Mistaken, This is The Correct Function of Dimmer Light!


Appropriate Times to Use Hazard Lights


As a driver, you should know the right time to use hazard signals on the road.


Otherwise, you'll only confuse other drivers and trigger accidents due to miscommunication.


Here are some appropriate times:


  • When your vehicle experiences a problem requiring you to stop.
  • After a traffic accident.
  • When changing a tire on the road.
  • If your vehicle suddenly stops or breaks down.
  • When someone unexpectedly crosses the road in an unsafe area.


After reading this article, hopefully you'll start using hazard lights correctly to enhance road safety for yourself and others

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