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6 Best Tips on How to Take Care of Car’s White Paint Correctly

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Today, we come with the best tips on how to take care of car’s white paint correctly. It is pretty easy yet it could be difficult, too. The improper maintenance causes the car’s paint to fade and look uninteresting. Like white clothes, a car with the white paint allows the dirt to be clearly visible. 

White paint is bright, making it looks contrast with the dirt on the body of the car. Thus, a better and proper maintenance is necessary to carry out to make the car looks shiny and interesting. 

Now if you are looking for the best tips on how to take care the car’s white paint well, here are the explanation fully described for you. 

Avoid The Direct Sunlight 

The sunlight is, in fact, the enemy of a car. The direct sunlight has really bad effects. Parking your car in the area with the direct sunlight will cause the car to look dull and even crack. Thus, from now and then, park your vehicle in the shady place without the direct sunlight. A big leafy tree can prevent the heat from attacking your car directly. 

At home, make sure you have a shady garage. You can also close your car with the car lid that is featuring UV filter. However, you should not be lazy to close your car when it is not used and open it again when it is used. 

Wash The Care Properly 

At a glance, washing a car is pretty easy. In fact, you should not ignore when washing it. Washing the car improperly will cause your car to look dull. So what is the best way to wash the car? Pay attention to the time range from using soap or shampoo to the rinsing. Don’t rinse the car lately because the foam will stay on the car’s paint. If it stands too long, the car’s paint will get damaged. 

Wash The Car in The Shady Place 

A car wash is not recommended under the direct sunlight. This is not only for a white car but also for other cars with other colors. Washing the car under the direct sunlight will cause the car to dry fast. It is not recommended if you want to keep your car looks clean and shiny. 

However, many people ignore that washing the car under the direct sunlight makes the car’s paint fade. That is because the car will dry fast before you have time to rinse it. On the other hand, it would be no problem to wash under the heat of sun if you don’t use any soap or shampoo. 

Use Special Formula 

The next best tips on how to take care of car’s white paint correctly is to use the special soap or shampoo formulated for car. In this case, never use bath soaps, detergent and soaps for washing dishes. Instead, you must use soaps and shampoo which are especially formulated for car wash. 

Rinse The Car Correctly 

Rinse the car correctly as it determines how you keep the car looks good and new. Make sure that you rinse the car completely. If you don’t rinse the car fully, the foam will stay on the car’s paint. It wouldn’t be good when the car is dry. 

The best tips to rinse the car completely is doing it from the upper part to the down part of the car. You can also rinse the car based on where the dust and dirt are left. 

Wipe Using The Cloth with the Good Absorption

The last tips to take care of the car’s paint is to wipe the car using the cloth with a good absorption. This is aimed to help you dry the car fast and shiny. It also helps dry the car easily without sunlight. 

Dealing with the best ways on how to take care of car’s white paint correctly, you can consider MPM Rent that offers not only a car rental package but also other services like driver, maintenance, safety, cleaning and many more. MPM Rent is a reputable car rental company in Indonesia that offers the most professional service. For more information, you can contact MPM Rent official website soon. 



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